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Evangelicals Blind Spot for Trump

Writer's picture: Old Things Pass AwayOld Things Pass Away

It is becoming more and more apparent that Evangelicals (and others) have a blind spot for Trump.

What I have seen is incredibly disheartening. Evangelicals are acting like any criticism of Trump is off-limits. If this was an isolated incident, then I would not think much of it. But I have had opposition from numerous people from different sites all basically saying the same thing: "Don't you dare criticize my political savior." It is a very dire problem.

For all the good things about Evangelicalism, which is a label I am proud to wear for the time being, it is incredibly disheartening to know that I am in the minority when it comes to my views on Trump. I do not believe Trump is a good person. I think he is a wicked person. What I have seen today could make me weep tears of sorrow because of the way people seem to think that Trump can do no wrong. All the evidence is against the position that he can do no wrong. Trump frequently and routinely says crass and demeaning things toward anyone who doesn't align with his views 100%. Anyone who is not with him is against him.

I say all this with the realization that it was God who kept the former president alive. The bullet could have killed him. He was literally an inch of his life. I am reminded that the Lord works in mysterious ways. If Trump was killed, then all the gun-toting rural folks could have been going to war about something without getting the facts first. Perhaps the fact God kept the bullet from killing Trump was not for Trump at all but for our country. It is possible that this man brings about a greater good if he is elected. That is even given that I think he is a loose cannon and could potentially hit the nuke button if it came to it.

I am also reminded of the absolute incompetence of Biden who now has Covid. I have seen people saying, "He's finished," not in a life and death thing but in a political way. The man cannot string two sentences together. And he is the leader of the free world? How did this happen? Regardless, I believe God is ultimately in control.

"A wicked nation produces wicked leaders."

I know I have heard this quote (or something similar to it) somewhere before multiple times, but after searching for a good long while, I cannot find anything about this. I believe this is a true statement, not least of all for democratic elections. In this way, we deserve any leader we get in the US. I believe that the Democrats will do everything in their power to not let Trump take the white house. Why? Because Trump is also an avenger. If you act against him, he will take it personally. Or as I remember from a "Simpsons" episode, the mob boss says, "I don't get angry; I get stabby." However, I remember the words of Paul here. Let these words sink in:

Romans 12:19-21 "Friends, do not avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for God’s wrath, because it is written, Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay, says the Lord. But If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink. For in so doing you will be heaping fiery coals on his head. Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good."

I first was made aware of this epic quote from John Piper, who has emphasized this passage many times. It is the world that wants revenge. Christians should desire better for their dissenters. I recall one time I read this quote that says something to the effect of, "Conversion [for the person] is the best revenge." Why? Because we do not wish revenge on anyone. We want people to come to the knowledge of the truth.

At one point in a conversation about how Trump is not a good man, it came to this:

Me: "The difference is that I know I'm a sinner and I do repent. I don't believe Trump does." Them: "Then as the repentent sinner, you should be praying for him, not worrying about his about worry about his soul in hell for all eternity....."

Did this person even consider that I had a point? No! The blame got put on me again. Now, is this person thinking the same thing I am in regards to "conversion is the best revenge"? No. Because anything I said was met with the view that criticizing Trump was off-limits. I was wrong according to them--Trump was not wrong for any and every reason you could think of.

It is at this time I am reminded of the words from the book of Hebrews saying,

Hebrews 6:9 "Even though we are speaking this way, dearly loved friends, in your case we are confident of things that are better and that pertain to salvation."

Do I feel this way about my Evangelical friends who are against any and all criticism against Trump? I suppose that is why the author of this book is going to such lengths to warn them.

And yet, it has become somewhat of a meme to ascribe Trump to being more than just a political savior, but an actual Messiah. I have seen things quoted about Trump to the effect of "The government will be upon his shoulders," as if Trump is filling the role that was meant explicitly and only for Jesus Christ. THIS MUST STOP! It is blasphemy! There is nothing that should justify ripping a verse out of context so badly to say this about a political leader of a nation that will not be around forever. But we know that the Kingdom of Jesus Christ will have no end. For He, Jesus Christ, will come and rule with a rod of iron. Until that Day when Christ comes to set all things right, I want to remind you of your True Messiah who bled and died on behalf of the sins of mankind.

I do not suspect many (if any) will be amenable to the views I give here. Even so, I must say them.

Thank you all for reading.

God bless.


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